Socratic Seminar 7
- This meetup is generously sponsored by Digital Garage and Hivemind Ventures.
- Questions are encouraged, including basic ones!
- Socratic Seminars are held under the Chatham House Rule: share the information you receive, but do not reveal the identity of who said it.
- For the privacy of other attendees, please refrain from taking photographs of other people without their permission.
- Socratic seminars are best when the moderator can let the conversation flow, so try to keep things concrete and focused.
- The reading list covers July 17th to August 22nd.
Chain Weather Report
- Taproot Assets on Lightning: The Global Financial Interoperability Layer
- Bisq2 adds Lightning support
- Mutiny Wallet is shutting down
- Super Testnet compares Monero and Lightning privacy
Delving Bitcoin
- bLIP 4: Experimental Endorsement Signaling
- bLIP 25: Allow forwarding HTLCs with less value than the onion claims to pay